2 Post-Doctoral Fellowships on Global health at CERMES3

CERMES3 announces

financed through the European Research Council project GLOBHEALTH, “From international to global: Knowledge and diseases and the post-war government of health”.

18-month Post-Doctoral Fellowship on “Globalizing schizophrenia and other severe mental disorders” Funded by: ERC project ‘GLOBHEALTH’

CERMES3 announces an 18 month Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Jan. 2016-June 2017) financed through the European Research Council project GLOBHEALTH, “From international to global: Knowledge and diseases and the post-war government of health”.

This post-doctoral research will centre on a critical history of the development of international research on schizophrenia and other severe mental disorders and the role of WHO, which may include WHO international research programme on schizophrenia, national and local efforts and programs since the 1960s. The research may address scientific findings and controversies; the relationship of this research to international public health, epidemiology, psychiatry and other branches of medicine; intersections with traditional medicines; the changing nature of expertise. The project may also focus on more recent histories of the incorporation of schizophrenia into global health through new alliances (e.g. NGOs, universities, pharmaceutical markets), metrics (e.g. Global Burden of Disease), and movements for health and human rights. The nature of the project may be historical, anthropological or sociological. However, it should focus on local-global exchanges, particularly outside Europe and North America. The doctoral project falls into the domain, “Placing mental health on the world health agenda: the globalization of a refractory problem”, one of four being examined by the ERC programme GLOBHEALTH.

The project will be located at CERMES3, Villejuif/Paris, but will involve on-site research in Geneva (WHO) and site(s) in Africa or Asia. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Anne M. Lovell (medical anthropologist) and Jean-Paul Gaudillière (historian). The Post-doctoral Fellow will participate in one or more CERMES3 Global Health Seminars in Paris. They will receive some travel funds for these and fieldwork.

 Applicants should hold a PhD in anthropology or history, but other disciplines will be considered. Some background or interest in mental health, psychiatry, pharmaceuticals or public health is preferable. Excellent mastery of written and spoken English is required; knowledge of French and language of the proposed field-site are assets.

 Applicants should include the following in their application:

  • CV (degrees, educational/training experiences, work history, skills, honours/awards, publications)
  • transcripts from university diplomas
  • letter of motivation
  • draft project of 5 to 10 pages. Include: subject, rationale, materials, methods, field-site, expected outcomes, dissemination and a 1-year 18 month calendar for the project.
  • Sample of writing the applicant deems relevant to the project.
  • Names and contact details of two references

 The complete applications to be sent to anne.lovell@parisdescartes.fr and gaudilli@vjf.cnrs.fr
Please indicate “Globalizing Schizophrenia – GLOBHEALTH” in the subject line.

Deadline for applications is September 30, 2015

 Selection will completed in November and the successful candidate is expected to start employment on January 1, 2016

An 18-month Post-Doctoral Fellowship on”Placing Depression on the Global Agenda: India” Funded by: ERC project ‘GLOBHEALTH’

CERMES3 announces an 18-month Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Jan. 2016-June 2017) financed through the European Research Council project GLOBHEALTH, “From international to global: Knowledge and diseases and the post-war government of health”.

This post-doctoral research will centre on the introduction of depression as a mental health category in India beginning in the 1980s, as part of the broader global transformation of depression from a minor psychiatric category focused on clinical severity to a widely diagnosed, moderate disorder, and of its status as an iconic disorder of social and health disparities, gender, work and unemployment, development policies and other social and economic relations. This project should critically consider the breadth and impact of the conceptualization, screening and treatment of depression within the larger socio-historical context of India. Research will include archival work, document analyses, interviews and fieldwork. The latter will take place at least one national site, and at a local site (e.g. psychiatric clinic, primary health care centre, home for elderly).

The post-doctoral project falls into the domain, “Placing mental health on the world health agenda: the globalization of a refractory problem”, one of four being examined by the ERC programme GLOBHEALTH and administratively located at CERMES3, Villejuif/Paris. The candidate should be willing to spend some time in Paris as well as India. Supervision will be offered by Jean-Paul Gaudillière (historian) and Anne M. Lovell (medical anthropologist).

Applicants should hold a PhD in anthropology or history, but other disciplines will be considered. Some background or interest in mental health, psychiatry, pharmaceuticals or public health is an asset. Excellent mastery of written and spoken English is required. Competency in a language of India (Hindi or Bengali) and some knowledge of French are preferable.

Applicants should include the following in their application:

  • CV (degrees, educational/training experiences, work history, skills, honours/awards, publications)
  • transcripts from university diplomas
  • letter of motivation
  • draft project of 5 to 10 pages. Include: subject, rationale, materials, methods, field-site, expected outcomes, dissemination and an 18-month timeline for the project.
  • Sample of writing the applicant deems relevant to the project.
  • Names and contact details of two references

Information on CERMES3 is available through http://www.cermes3.fr.

Description of the ERC Project is accessible through http://globhealth.vjf.cnrs.fr

The complete applications to be sent to anne.lovell@parisdescartes.fr and gaudilli@vjf.cnrs.fr
Please indicate “Globalizing Schizophrenia – GLOBHEALTH” in the subject line.

Deadline for applications is September 30, 2015

Selection will completed in November and the successful candidate is expected to start employment by January 1, 2016.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Camille Al Dabaghy (2 juillet 2015). 2 Post-Doctoral Fellowships on Global health at CERMES3. Les mondes de l’aide internationale. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/r76o

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