The Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies (FURS), a charity associated with the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, wishes to appoint a post-doctoral Research Fellow, for the calendar year 2016. The Fellowship will be based in the African Centre for Cities (ACC) at the University of Cape Town for the full twelve months.
The Fellowship is open to any scholar of recent postdoctoral standing who has been or is researching African cities, and who would find the ACC a congenial work environment for intellectual reflection, scholarly engagement and debate. Applications for the Fellowship are particularly welcome from Africans residing in and working on the continent, and especially from those who are not South African citizens.
The stipend for 2016 is ZAR 370,000 inclusive of a settling-in allowance. This sum excludes one economy-class return airfare between Cape Town and the Fellow’s home, which will be reimbursed by FURS.
The purpose of the Fellowship is to extend the applicant’s doctoral research into a publishable research monograph or papers. With permission from the FURS Board, the Fellow may undertake a limited amount of teaching at the host institution.
The successful candidate must have an excellent educational record, showing outstanding performance as a student in undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree courses, and holding a doctorate in a discipline such as urban sociology, urban and regional geography, urban anthropology, urban economics or urban and regional planning. Applicants must have been awarded their PhD at the time of application but not be more than five years from this date (excluding periods of leave such as for maternity or national service). Applicants must demonstrate research expertise in the chosen field as evidenced by published or forthcoming books or articles in refereed journals.
Application details and further particulars are attached below: click ‘download paper’.
Applications are due by Friday 7 August 2015.
FURS and the University of Cape Town are committed to equal opportunities policies.
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Camille Al Dabaghy (29 juillet 2015). Post-doctoral Research Fellowship at African Centre for Cities (ACC) , Univ. of Cape Town. Les mondes de l’aide internationale. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse