Dans le cadre du 3e Forum de l’Association Internationale de Sociologie en juillet 2016 à Vienne/Autriche, 12 sessions seront organisées par le RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development.
Program Coordinators:Ulrike M.M. SCHUERKENS, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France, uschuerkens@gmail.com
Habibul KHONDKER, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates, habibul.khondker@zu.ac.ae
- Changing Development-Scape and Unchanging Development Theories
- Contested Futures of the South
- Crafting Insurgent Urbanism and Democratic Spaces:Transforming Citizenship and Governance Systems in Cities
- Development, Social Transformations and New Gender Relations
- Futures of Individualization in Local, Regional and Global Contexts
- Gender-Technology Interface: Implications for Social Transformation and Development
- Global Pharmaceuticals, Development Policies and Local Rationalities: Innovative Ways for Sociology to Bridge the Gaps?
- Globalization and Development in Postsocialist Countries: Comparative Perspectives
- Globalization, New Forms of Work and Inequality
- How Did Environment Call Development Pathways out?
- Monetary Practices in the Global South
- New Advances in Development Sociology
Deadline 30 septembre 2015
Les appels à communications sont là : https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/forum2016/webprogrampreliminary/Symposium317.html
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Camille Al Dabaghy (25 septembre 2015). CFP le 3e Forum de l’Association Internationale de Sociologie, juillet 2016. Les mondes de l’aide internationale. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/r773