Postdoc acquisitions foncières et investissements forestiers Univ. du Michigan

Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities – School of Natural Resources and Environment – The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

The University of Michigan announces two post-doctoral research opportunities, beginning August or September 2015 and focusing on land-cover, social, and livelihood impacts of (1) large-scale land transactions and (2) forest sector investments in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America through statistical analysis of remote sensing and social survey data.

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Bourses de recherche doctorale de la Fondation Martine Aublet

Appel à candidature année universitaire 2015-2016

La Fondation Martine Aublet, sous l’égide de la Fondation de France, offre, pour l’année universitaire 2015-2016, une douzaine de bourses de recherche doctorale à des étudiants inscrits en troisième cycle dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur français ou en co-tutelle avec une université étrangère.

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Appel à projets/recherches postdoctorales du Fonds Croix-Rouge française

Le Fonds Croix-Rouge française a lancé de son deuxième appel à projets et à bourses postdoctorales, dans les termes qui suivent.

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Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition CODESRIA 2015

CODESRIA is a Pan-African membership research organization established in 1973 with the broad goal of promoting the work of African and Diaspora social scientists. A key goal of CODESRIA at its inception was to increase African contributions to social scientific work on the continent, in an era when scholars from outside of Africa dominated efforts at understanding the continent. Funding research by African scholars and publishing the results of such work were key tools in this struggle.

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